Public Knowledge Folders of The Lizards JCDS

00.01 About     summary
Book 1 - Reading     summary
Book 2 - Math     summary
Count the lines by counting by 5s - book2 (27-Aug-04)
Fill in the blanks by counting by 10s (3-Jun-04)
Fill in the blanks by counting by 5s (3-Jun-04)
Math exercise 1 - book2 (27-Aug-04)
Math exercise: Rule of +1 (3-Jun-04)
Rule of - 0 (3-Jun-04)
Rule of - 1 (3-Jun-04)
Rule of + 0 (3-Jun-04)
Rule of adding doubles (3-Jun-04)
Book 4     summary
Book 5     summary
Books     summary
just blogs     summary
Letters to India     summary
Math sheets     summary
Pictures     summary
Poems     summary
practice-sheets     summary
Rainforest project     summary
Reptile Report     summary
Teaching     summary